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Peer-reviewed scientific papers

RAMALHO, Q.; VALE M. M.; MANES, S.; DINIZ, P.; MALECHA, A.; PREVEDELLO, J. A. . Evidence of stronger range shift response to ongoing climate change by ectotherms and high-latitude species. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, v. 279, p. 109911, 2023.

ALMEIDA, A. C.; TOURINHO, L. O. P.; RAMALHO, Q.; JENKINS, C. N.; ALMEIDA-GOMES, M. Regional variation in responses of a vulnerable bird species to land-use and climate change. BIOTROPICA, p. 1-15, 2022.


RAMALHO, Q.; TOURINHO, L. O. P.; ALMEIDA-GOMES, M.; VALE, M. M.; PREVEDELLO, J. A. Reforestation can compensate negative effects of climate change on amphibians. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, v. 260, p. 109187, 2021.

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